Civil RCC Structural Work

RCC meaning:- RCC means, it is stand for Reinforced Cement Concrete, which is when plain cement concrete (mixture of cement, sand & aggregate) is reinforced with steel bars. An RCC building means the main structural members of the building, viz, slabs, beams, columns and foundations are made up of reinforced cement concrete.

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What is full form of RCC? R C C full form is reinforcement cement concrete and we know concrete is two types plain cement concrete and reinforced cement concrete(rcc). Plain cement concrete is mixture of sand, cement and aggregate and reinforced cement concrete (rcc) is mixture of sand cement and aggregate including Steel.

the most integral structural element of Civil Engineering in 21th Century. RCC has taken the world to new heights of development in commercial and residential construction. What is Reinforced ?According to the Oxford Dictionary Reinforced meaning is “MAKE IT STRONGER.” So we make the concrete with steel bars to become strong

RCC meaning in civil engineering is composite material of steel and concrete ( mixture of cement sand and aggregate) now called RCC acts as a structural member of column, beam, slab and footing and can resist tensile as well as compressive stresses very well.

Structural member in building construction is two types: compressive member and tensile member, beam and slab is compressive structural member and column is tensile structural member in RCC construction work.