Inly and Designing Work in Grante and Marble

Inlay in the visual arts any decorative technique used to create an ornamental design , pattern or scene by intserting or setting into a shallow or depressed flooring and dado surface a material of a different colour or type . Inlay techniques are used in marble , granite , tiles , enamelawork and furniture

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Marble occurs in a very wide range of colors. Marble formed from the purest limestones is white in color. Iron oxide impurities in the limestone will produce a yellow, orange, pink or red color. Clay minerals can produce gray colors that often occur in bands after the compositional stratification of the original limestone. Abundant bituminous materials can produce dark gray to black marble. Marble that contains serpentine often has a green color.

Equipment working in a marble quarry near Madrid, Spain. In this quarry the marble is being sawn into blocks for the production of dimension stone. Photo copyright iStockphoto / vallefrias.

Marble is a material used in prestige architecture and interior design. This photo shows stair treads and risers made from brecciated marble and floor tiles made from marble in a variety of colors.